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The Re-Imagining Series

Traditional Narratives
Lecture Series | May 22, 2022
As artists in the modern age, how do we consider traditional narratives when creating work? Dr. Sohini Sarah Pillai shares her work on "Many Mahabharatas" – an exploration of the vastness of the classic epic and its many varied retellings.

The Dance-Making Process
Salon Series | Oct. 29, 2022
An opportunity for dance artists to present and receive critical feedback on work in progress from mentors, peers, and audience members in the fine arts space.

Our Welcome to the Arts World​
Kids & Family Events | Nov. 5, 2022
How do we introduce children to the arts world? This event is an opportunity for kids and parents to meet South Asian artists of a variety of disciplines and dive into hands-on projects in a fun and interactive way! Ages 4-14.
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